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Parent Communication Guide

We want the best for your child and good communication between school and home is key to achieving this. We are a large school and we know you may not be sure who to go to. Here’s a brief overview but if you are still not sure – just give the office a call and they will be able to help you.

How we like to work with families

We have over 1000 parents connected with the school and we try as much as possible to meet everyone as quickly as possible. We try and find a private space for you to speak about your concern. Sometimes we might need another professional to give another perspective or expertise. We want an equitable relationship with families where we respect the information you provide and we share how we work. This works best when our staff are treated respectfully, calmly and not in an aggressive manner.

 I want to talk to someone about my child’s learning

In the first instance, it is important to have a discussion with the class teacher. They are really happy to listen to your views, find out what you know and share how we are working with your child at school. The best time for class teachers is usually after school. Please ask the office for an appointment with the teacher and we will make an appointment that gives both you and the teacher enough time to discuss it in depth. If you need further support or feel it is not resolved, it may be helpful to speak to the Subject Leader.

I want to talk about my child’s well-being

The form tutor is the best person to speak to when you have a concern about your child’s well-being. This might be general concerns about your child’s experience here at Gilberts. If you feel that the concern may need further support or if it is not resolved with the form tutor, you can speak to the Key Stage Lead.

I want to talk about an absence, attendance or punctuality

Our attendance and welfare staff  can provide you with ideas and support to ensure your child gets a really good education through good attendance and punctuality. The school office has relevant forms and can also help with attendance and absence.

I want to talk about my child’s special educational needs (learning, medical, physical or mental well-being)

Please first talk with the form tutor or class teacher.  If appropriate, a meeting with our Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) can then be made. You can also contact the SEND department by email who will respond to you withing five working days.

I want to talk about paying for school lunches, trips, visits or uniform?

For details about payments and the ARBOR online payment system, please speak to the school office. The school office also has payment plans and details of free school meal applications, etc. Please pop in, call us or email us with your query.

 I want to talk to someone about a safeguarding matter (if you are worried about a child’s safety)

If you have a concern that you wish to share with someone, please speak with the school office and they will pass you on to the relevant person. Different concerns can sometimes mean different professionals. Our designated safeguarding lead (DSL) looks after concerns around children’s safety and well-being.

Immediate Danger:
If you think a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999.

Immediate Concern:
If you have a concern about a child, please call Central Bedfordshire’s Access & Referral Hub on 0300 300 8585.

I have spoken to the Key Stage Lead nd/or Subject Leader and I continue to have the same concerns – what next?

If we have not been able to resolve your concern via the form tutor, class teacher: Key Stage Lead and Subject Leader, then we would recommend speaking with the Senior Leadership Lead with special responsibility for your area of concern. 

If concerns are still not resolved, you can then speak with the head teacher.

Useful Links

Parent Communication Guide

Communications Policy