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  • The DSL is Mrs Kay Webb.
  • The Acting DSL is Mrs. Kim Cole.
  • The Deputy DSLs are Mr. George Walker and Miss Catrin O'Callaghan.
  • Please refer safeguarding issues to the DSL or, in her absence, to the Deputy DSLs.
  • The Safeguarding Governor is Mr. Mike Phillips
  • The Prevent SPOC is Mrs Kim Cole
  • The Relay SPOC is Mrs Kim Cole
  • Safer Recruitment Lead & Single Central Record (SCR) Lead: Mrs. S. Sibley


Please email concerns to . Alternatively, if the concern is of an urgent nature, please contact the Police on 101.

Central Bedfordshire Council Access and referral Hub contact details are:             


Our safeguarding policy and procedures are reviewed annually. 


  • New staff receive safeguarding training as soon as practicable after starting work at the school. All staff have to complete an e-learning module ‘Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect Core Version’ and will read and understand Part 1 and Annex A of the Department for Education’s statutory safeguarding guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education, and review this guidance at least annually.. All staff have annually updated training on safeguarding. Mrs. S. Sibley keeps a record of the staff and student training courses completed.
  • Designated Safeguarding Staff continue to update their training on a rolling programme.
  • Temporary staff receive details of the safeguarding arrangements. Volunteers are made aware of the arrangements.


  • Mrs. S. Sibley maintains the SCR. All staff are entered on the SCR and appropriate checks made. The school’s HR provider, EPM (Education Personnel Management), manages the DBS checks for the school. This is all done via an electronic portal. If any evidence of a criminal record arises, the school is advised and the Head teacher carries out a risk assessment at a meeting with the relevant member of staff. These risk assessments are filed on the personnel record of the staff member. A decision to employ the staff member would be made as a result of the risk assessment outcome. S128 Checks are also carried out to confirm that people have not been prohibited from the management of the school. This is noted on their DBS certificate.


  • Mrs. Sibley, Mr. Wareham, Miss O'Callaghan and Mrs. Webb are all trained in safer recruitment. A safeguarding statement is included in every job advert and specific questions are used at interview. A safer recruitment procedures checklist is followed. Appropriate checks are carried out to gain references and to check the barring lists.


Gilbert Inglefield Academy works closely with a wide range of other agencies making school attend multi agency meetings; Team Around the Child (TAC) meetings are held to bring together professionals to offer support to families. The ASPIRE department acts as a hub for accessing external support groups and individual work e.g. counselling as well as offering support for issues such as bereavement and self - harm. HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAINING The school has policies and procedures in place to safeguard the welfare of all members of the community. Serious incidents are logged and analysed.


P.E. teachers and a significant number of Support Staff are fully trained as Emergency Paediatric First Aiders and are trained in coping with conditions such as epilepsy and administration of emergency medication. We also have a dedicated medical room. All staff are also trained in the use of Epipen. There is a clear process for students who feel unwell and policies for how to deal with specific conditions. Risk assessments will be put in place if needed for long-term medical conditions. Care plans are completed by the school nursing team with parents support to ensure appropriate care. These are regularly reviewed by the school nursing team.


Behaviour policies, assemblies and tutor time all reinforce that bullying is not acceptable. Students who are victims of bullying are supported by their form tutor, head of year, and the ASPIRE department.


All visits have to be authorised following a specific written procedure, based on Evolve. Parents and carers are invited to meetings to discuss arrangements for foreign visits. Contact arrangements are in place using school mobile phones.


The topic is covered by the ICT team in all year groups. All staff, students and parents must sign an Acceptable Use of ICT policy.


The site is covered by  static CCTV cameras. The reception entrance doors and the side doors in the administration block are card controlled. Practical classrooms within the school are card controlled for safety. The music block is locked independently.


The designated governor liaises with the Designated Safeguarding Lead to monitor safeguarding issues.


We work with parents and carers to offer appropriate support to ensure the welfare and safety of our students. Form tutors are usually the first point of contact. Information is given on the school website regarding which staff member(s) to contact for specific information or with specific concerns. Information is given to parents and carers in handbooks, information evenings, newsletters and via the school website.