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What Governors Do

The governing body is involved in overseeing the long term development of the school. It doesn't manage the school day-to-day (that's the role of the Head Teacher), but it holds the Head Teacher to account. Its core roles are:

Providing strategic management

  • Helping to set the school's aims and objectives
  • Monitoring and evaluating progress to make sure actions are producing the desired results.

Support and challenge

  • Supporting the school in achieving its aims
  • Asking challenging questions to make sure the school is responsible for its actions.

Making executive decisions

  • Allocating and controlling the school budget
  • Appointing and appraising the Head Teacher.

We meet as a full governing body once a term, sometimes more often. In addition, governors belong to one of two committees, which meet every half term. Those are the Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Resources Committee. 

Between meetings the governors may get involved in activities such as commenting on school policies, suggesting changes to school targets, checking performance against school action plans, or meeting with school staff and pupils to get a better understanding of the school.