Safety Information for Pupils
Important Telephone Numbers and Websites
Emergency Services
In an emergency contact the police, fire or ambulance services by phoning 999.
Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help. Call 0800 1111 to talk to someone who can help
National Bullying Helpline
Help and advice for children being bullied
Helpline: 0300 323 0169
Telephone: 0845 225 5787
Tactic Centre
TACTIC (Teenage Advice Centre-Teenage Information Centre) is a specialist young people’s service for 12 to 19 year-olds in Leighton Buzzard, Linslade and surrounding villages. Young people can gain free advice and Information on a variety of topics, meet new people, receive 1:1 support, volunteer in their community and take part in fun holiday activities.
This is a mental health and well being service offering support to children who have suffered bereavement.
A charity which champions young people's mental health
Lumi Nova
NHS funded service designed to support young people aged 7-12 who are experiencing worries or anxieties Lumi Nova is accessible for free by children across Bedfordshire.
Young Carers in Bedfordshire
Are you a child or young person who cares for a brother, sister, parent, or family member? Young Carers is a service which can offer you support.
Reflect: Text 85258
Reflect is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who needs advice or help. It is delivered by trained volunteers and clinicians who are available around the clock to listen and support anyone who is feeling anxious, lonely, overwhelmed or not quite themselves. Frequently Asked Questions about Reflect
Contact CEOP if you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online
Think U Know
For advice on online safety
Fealess is Crimestoppers' youth service for 11-17 year olds providing you wth the opportunity to give information about crime
CBBC - Staying Safe
Lots of information about how to stay safe in the digital world
Top Tips For Staying Safe Online
Always think of your personal safety first when using ICT or your mobile phone. Remember it is easy for anyone to lie about who they are online, so you can never really be sure about who you are talking to.
Do not give out any personal information about yourself online to people you do not know. This includes your full name, address, street name ,postcode, or school name.
Never give your contact number to anyone who you don’t know. It’s a good idea to use a nickname rather than your real name.
Don’t meet people that you have only spoken to online.
Never give out pictures online or over a mobile unless you know the person in real life. It is easy for people to take your pictures and alter them, send them on, or even pretend to be you with them.
Always use private settings whenever you are setting up a social networking page or an Instant Messenger (IM) account. This is so people who you don’t want to see your profile can’t.
Anything you post or upload to the internet is there forever so be very careful what you put online.
Never go on to webcam with people you don’t know in real life. Webcam images can be recorded and copied and also shared with other people.