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Adverse Weather Conditions Or Other School Closure Issues

  In the event of adverse weather conditions or in any other extreme circumstance, the head teacher will make the difficult decision to close the school.  This decision will be made as early in the day as possible. It is not an easy decision to make but will be made with the safety of the pupils in mind. It might be possible to remain open but start at a later time (e.g. 10am) in order to allow staff to get to school safely once the roads have cleared.  Very few of our teaching staff live locally.

The head teacher will update the Central Bedfordshire Council SOS information system with the school closure information, which will automatically inform radio stations.  Please ensure you are registered for email alerts.

 Parents will be notified of any school closure by the school text system.  Please note you will only be contacted if the school has your most current contact number. This website will also be updated  - please remember to regularly refresh the page.  Please do NOT phone into school for information as doing so will jam up the lines and prevent us contacting other parents.

Please do not contact the radio stations. You will be kept in a long queue and may be stopping an important call from getting through.  Listen to BBC Three Counties or Heart Radio for updates.

Should the head teacher make the decision to close the school after the day has begun, parents will be notified by text as soon as the decision has been made.  The SOS information system will be updated.  Pupils will not be sent home unless they are collected by either their parents or the school has been given permission for them to either walk home or be picked up by an alternative contact. Parents may complete page 2 of their child's planner to give permission for their child to walk home.   If parents cannot collect immediately, the pupils will remain in school and will be released at the end of the day as normal.  However; this is not what we advise especially if the weather is severe.

In the event that the school is not open to students, staff are still expected to attend school if it is safe to do so. The expectation is that normal work is undertaken, such as curriculum development, planning, marking etc. Obviously staff should not place themselves at risk by endeavouring to travel in dangerous circumstances.