Childcare Outside School Hours
As a school, Gilbert Inglefield recognises that there is increasing pressure on working parents to work hours that are not ‘school friendly’.We provide the following before and after school arrangements:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is available from 8.00am and does not have to be booked. It is accessed via the main entrance. There is no charge for this club but students are expected to buy an item of food or drink. Payment is via our cashless payment system.After School Provision
We work with Kik-Back After School and Holiday Club to provide an after school club which runs from 3.30pm to 6.00pm.
Please contact Kik-Back on 07719483947 or to register your child.
After school care is located in the resources area of Eagle block (previously known as the Year 6 block). Pupils will be collected via the doors opposite the music room. The green gates by the music block will be open for access.